Friday 17 July 2015

Din Rørlegger som har kontor i Stavanger

Rørlegger Stavanger er en håndtverksutdannet fagarbeider som særlig arbeider med installering, reparering og vedlikehold av varme-, ventilasjons og sanitæriske anlegg. Faget omfattes av lærlingloven. Læretiden er normalt 4 år. Forutdannelse for faget gis ved mange videregående skoler. Rørleggere i Stavanger sentrum kan ha fått 3 års fagopplæring (etter egen opplæringsplan og egen fagprøve) innenfor metallfagene. Rørleggernes forgjengere var de såkalte postmakere, som lagde rør av furutømmer. Stokkene ble gjennomboret med 1½-4’ diameter og satt sammen med jernringer eller bøssinger. Postmakerene, som også ofte hadde tannlegeskrekk Oslo helt til ca. 1880. det moderne rørleggerfager oppstod ved anlegget av Christiania Gasværk 1846 og den første kloakk samme år. Brannen i 1858 i byens sentrum forlendiget omlegging til vannrør av jern. Den senere sanitære og varmetekniske utvikling, med bl.a. installasjon av vannklosetter, bad og sentralvarmeanlegg, har gitt faget et kraftig oppsving og gjort det til et meget betydelig byggefag. De fleste større rørleggingsbedrifter har ogsåingeniører i sin tjeneste. – Norske Rørleggerbedrifters Landsforening, som utgir bladet Rørfag, ble stiftet 1913 og omfatter ca. 430 medlemsbedrifter.

Wikipedia om Stavanger

Rørlegger Stavanger may also be of interest

Thursday 16 July 2015

Tannlegeskrekk Oslo - Er du redd for tannlegen?

Hva er Tannlegeskrekk eller Odontofobi?

Årsaker og Symptomer
Noen mennesker ser ikke frem til tannlegetime noe mer enn de ser frem til besøk til en lege. De fleste tannbehandlinger er ikke smertefulle.
Men, akkurat som legeundersøkelser kan de gjøre folk at føler seg stresset.

De fleste kan leve med å ha litt angst for å gå til tannlegen. For de med Odontofobi, derimot, er tanken på en tannlegetime skremmende.
De kan være så redde, faktisk, at de vil gjøre omtrent alt for å unngå en tannlegeavtale.

Tannlegeskrekk er en intens, urimelig frykt. Folk kan frykte en bestemt aktivitet, objekt eller situasjon.
Personer med tannlegeskrekk har ofte droppet sine tannlegebesøk i mange år eller tiår.
For å unngå tannlegen, kan de ende opp med tannkjøttinfeksjoner, smerte, eller til og med ødelagte og stygge tenner.


Finally Summer!! Or Sommer in Norwegian

Finally it hit us, even thoug it is of Scandianvian quality. To all my Norwegian friends:

Kos dere i varmen, det varer ikke lenge desverre. Her er en fin sommerlåt å kose seg med.

Ha en god dag!

Have a nice day!

Wednesday 15 July 2015

Easy to learn, easy to remember The British Red Cross wants you to feel confident and willing to give first aid. Everyday First Aid makes it easy to learn the skills you'll need to help in an emergency.

I think it is vital to know First Aid. I really love this statement:

The British Red Cross helps people in crisis, whoever and wherever they are.

We are part of a global voluntary network, responding to conflicts, natural disasters and individual emergencies.

We help vulnerable people in the UK and abroad prepare for, withstand and recover from emergencies in their own communities.
Whether in the UK or overseas, we respond to hundreds of disasters every year. From floods and fires to terrorist attacks, we're among the first to arrive, and we stay long after the crisis is over.

Tuesday 14 July 2015

Learning to make Ideal Gourmet coffee......

Sitting here in the morning enjoying my coffe, did a search about coffe, and found a lot of bla bla bla

The technology of the items helps make coffee wonderful

It had been Nov 23, 2010. We had been in Surfing Town, North Carolina, getting ready to fortify ourselves prior to yet another grueling working day. Black liquid oozed into the stained carafe, we stood bleary-eyed, as the thin.

We were roommates, Underwater infantry officials, perpetually sleeping-deprived from the coaching, the preparing, the arrangements for conflict. Back then coffee was nothing more than a sour, caffeine intake-shipping and delivery process. It absolutely was precisely what we found it necessary to stay awake.

We had been missing a lot.

Speedy-ahead many years. We've hung up our uniforms, we're in your kitchen, and we're making gourmet coffee. Excellent coffee. The kind that reminds you initially point every morning of everything in addition you appreciate in daily life. It's about the art, the ritual, and the instances shared all over a dinner table.

And yet, if you're like us, no one ever taught you how to make coffee properly. Or the best way to take pleasure in it. If you quit in at your community coffee house, everything is hidden apart powering the countertop, past the boundary removed that you can comprehend. Which had been us a short while ago. But by way of trial and error-and an ridiculous level of mistakes-we've managed to understand. If you're going to drink it every day, or if you're going to serve it to other people, it may as well be good, right, it's a shame to waste these moments on bad coffee, and?

Really, it must be superior to excellent. It ought to be best.

What exactly is Excellent Caffeine?

To learn great coffee, we have to begin with exactly how the gourmet coffee planet procedures its makes. If you're trying categorize your coffee, it helps if you have a benchmark, after all.

Bla bla bla, just appreciate you morning coffe!

Monday 13 July 2015

The strength of Social Websites in Education

From the time its inception, the web is now an complex a part of life in which individuals depend on its access for daily activities for example purchasing, social education, networking and banking security alarms and other connected actions. Amid these, social network sites, which seems to be the most important destination in the Internet, is visible like a good thing and curse. Particularly in education, social media is viewed as a good indication of improvement in education and learning along with its techniques. However, we cannot deny the negative influences that can accompany it, which seems be a distracter for many students today.

Individuals frequently acquaint on their own with personal computers since they understand these social networking sites. They obtain useful abilities upon an device that has become essential in the world they are living as students and the one, they will will enter after finishing of their research. Also, it stimulates networking with a variety of individuals, which can be considered an essential ability in the commercial surroundings. This really is the truth for teachers and administrators. With the existence of interpersonal Facebook, Twitter and blogs, educators can easily talk about and report through a variety of mediums, ways of instructions in addition to teaching hypotheses and techniques in actual-time. Moreover, several can easily increase on techniques for discovering plus connect to pupils with a constant schedule away from the school room.

To the contrary, the growth in social websites and advancements in other exciting communicative technology have generated adverse effects in and outside from the classroom. Whilst social networking can be seen being a positive device for education, this resource has the potential to restrict student performance, social expansion, and conversation abilities. Likewise, it could affect a teacher's overall effectiveness in several approaches. To what do we are obligated to pay a decrease in educational overall performance because of its affect? Exactly what are the sociable ramifications of social media marketing? What factors are directly in charge of the inability to teach pupils successfully? How are instructors afflicted with social networking both out and in in the class?

For almost all, internet connection for educational purposes can be seen as a excellent useful resource for info; nonetheless, for students, the Internet positions a lot of bothersome elements in educational performance. On the whole, young children who spend more time online think it is more challenging to pay attention contributing to shorter interest covers. Individuals who rely only on social media marketing for information rather than investigating other resources will likely encounter trouble concentrating on studying and data maintenance. It considerably has an effect on research behavior as individuals are attempting to multi-task and end up becoming easily derailed as they are too occupied tweeting and/or posting emails to Facebook rather than completing assignments.

Improvements in and too much use of technologies are direct factors how social websites has influenced each student in and out in the school room. Today, pupils spend most of their time on these systems via mobile devices. Some colleges prohibit the application of these units however; the majority of them sneak them into college. They prefer these devices to document videos; consider pictures of their selves among others, look for the world wide web, tweet and get on Fb, as a result rendering it difficult to concentrate throughout instructions time. These activities also attempt to slow down effective instructions. In addition to this a number of these routines have generated a lot of issues from the school and community for fights, example and harassment law fits and so on. Extreme, unproductive time allocated to social networks can therefore be extremely unhealthy, thus having a adverse result on teens and children. We can easily then argue that teaching/learning, is at direct competitors with Social Media Marketing, when they should be associates in training students.

Good to know

Have a nice day!